Fàilte gu làrach-lìn Stòras An Rubha


Urras Stòras an Rubha can be translated from Gaelic as Point Resources Trust, a name given in recognition of the aim to regenerate the old school building and to house various resources relating to the Point area within the redeveloped site. 

SAR was set up in April 2012 and the USAR Board consists of 15 directors, all from the local community, and a membership of 100.  It is a Community Company Limited by Guarantee and a registered charity. 

Its role has been to develop the former Knock School building as an asset for the local community and to manage the building in order to facilitate the development of enterprises and activities in line with the outcomes of community consultations.

During 2021-2022, the building was renovated to a high specification to provide space for the original tenants and bring an enhanced community offering.  The hub is known as Aros An Rubha.  Aros is a Gaelic word that means a dwelling place or larger house.  It has connotations of being a place where people feel welcome and content, with a lot of social interaction.

The new carbon-neutral building offers meeting room space with video conferencing facilities, hot desking facilities, a shop and cafe, exhibition space for local groups, storage space and a larger car park. 


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